Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's Just That You Scream At Everything...

(This is a story from Fallout 3)

My favorite gun in Fallout 3 was the special sniper rifle called the "Victory Rifle." The best thing about this gun was that it made people fall down. Making people fall down from far away is unbelievably satisfying. Especially when they get up and go right back to whatever they were doing, hopelessly confused about who just shot them. Even after completing a bunch of the DLC and the main story and side quests, I would still grab my unstoppable mutant pal Fawkes and go wander around looking for people in perfect places for me to knock them over.

Fawkes, yes, is ridiculous. He is always yelling at me to be mindful, when at this point, I ain't mindful of SHIT. Dude, I am carrying like 60 Nuka Grenades and a few hundred Stimpaks. No more of this head on a swivel bullshit, we go where we want, we do what we want.

One day Fawkes and I are out strutting about the Wasteland when I see up on a sloped road ahead, an Enclave soldier, standing around maybe patrolling or something. I pull up my scope. Perfect.

I shoot him. He falls down. I laugh. He gets back up.

Fawkes also starts in with his massive gun, but seems to be stuck on a rock or something as no bullets are even getting close to the Enclave guy, but Fawkes keeps firing and screaming and firing and screaming. I'm not even looking at him, I'm all focused on the Enclave guy in my scope.

I shoot the Enclave guy again. Falls down. I laugh. Gets up.

Fawkes keeps screaming and shooting.

I think to myself, jesus Fawkes calm the fuck down, just let me shoot at him, what the fuck. Chill the fuck out.

I shoot the guy a few more times, and Fawkes is STILL YELLING AND SHOOTING.

Finally I fire once more and awwwww, he's dead. So much for that. It was fun while it lasted.

Now, Fawkes, what the fuck are you screaming abou-



and oh Fawkes killed him.


That's what Fawkes was shooting this whole time.


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